Record Series of Utah Government

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Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
This series contains an alphabetical list of those buried in the cemetery with names, birth and death dates, and grave location. A map of the cemetery with block and plot numbers, but no names precedes the burial list.
Series: 25097
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
These files contain the constitution, bylaws and all amendments to city charters approved by the State Legislature (Constitution of Utah, Article XI, Section 5).
Holdings: 0.20 cubic foot
These are pamphlets, leaflets, studies, proposals and similar material printed by or for the city of Hurricane or any of its departments, subdivisions or programs, and made available to the public, or the last manuscript report if not published. Holdings include ...
Local government publications--Utah--Hurricane
Series: 25210
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
Holdings: 3 microfilm reels
This series contains ordinances implemented by the Hurricane city council. These legislative actions regulate, require, prohibit, govern, control, or supervise any activity, business, conduct, or condition authorized by UCA 10-3-701 to 715 (1997). These records include ...
Series: 25095
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
Number of Copies: 1
These are comprehensive plans for municipal development adopted by the city commission. "Each municipality shall prepare and adopt a comprehensive, long-range general plan for present and future needs of the municipality; growth and development of the land within the ...
Series: 25094
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
Number of Copies: 1
These are reports prepared by external auditors examining and verifying the municipality's financial activities for the year. "The audit required for any fiscal year shall be completed within six calendar months after the close of the fiscal year" (UCA 51-2-2 (1997)). ...
Series: 25096
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends
Holdings: 7 microfilm reels
These minutes are the official record of the proceedings of regularly scheduled, special and emergency council meetings of the city of Hurricane. Each meeting's minutes are adopted and approved by the council during their next public meeting. The minutes include the ...
Series: 25099
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends

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