Record Series of Utah Government

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Holdings: 2 microfilm reels
This record series was used to verify the ownership of farm property sold by the state to individuals. The 5 X 7 cards show name of farm owner, water rights, time of foreclosure and sale (if applicable), loan number, former owner, address, name of nearest town, miles ...
This record series was used to keep track of experimental wells drilled in various localities throughout the state to determine the availability of irrigation water. Includes correspondence regarding experimental wells, Annual Report of Sevier River Water Distribution ...
These records monitor and document the lease or loan of water rights or selling of water stock on public lands. Includes financial reports, correspondence (between land board, irrigation companies, and stockholders), loans, water leases, notices of public meetings, ...
These records were created and kept to monitor and document the State Land Board's investments in the bonds issued by Utah cities and school districts. All such obligations had to be offered to the state prior to being sold on the open market. Includes correspondence, ...
Correspondence with appraisers who are assessing public lands, specifically lands up for sale or lease to individuals.
Holdings: 0.20 cubic foot
This series contains land laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the Carey Land Act, Enabling Act, land grants, State Constitution, railroads, state schools, fees, fiscal and financial operations, and agency programs.
Public lands--Utah
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
These deeds are issued by the county auditor conveying property to purchasers of real property sold for delinquent taxes on property that has been struck to the county. "The county auditor may, in the name of the county, execute deeds conveying in fee simple all ...
Holdings: 15 microfilm reels

Series: 14038
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain permanently
Holdings: 18 microfilm reels

Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
This is a computer output ledger of accounts receivable.
Holdings: 43 microfilm reels
The state land board provided for the sale of lands from tracts granted by the federal government. This series contains books documenting the sale of these lands through records of patent. The patents include the governor's signature, amount of sale, and the geographic ...

Holdings: 9 microfilm reels


Series: 6526
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s)

The land in the county was appraised by Commissioner Harris. This is a copy of appraisals from the county commission minutes. Information includes section and township numbers, including who awarded preference right to buy the described tract is.

These are case files in contested land and mining applications involving the state--instances where an individual has made application to purchase land lying within a school section, mineral rights are contested between the state and a company, etc. Files include ...
These are leases for mineral holdings. Information includes names and address.

Series: 1999
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s)


Series: 1996
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s)
These two books from the State Board of Land Commissioners document the purchase of land and payments. Information includes name, check number, payment on principal and interest, applications received, bonds, requisitions, and deposits.


Series: 1977
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s)

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