Record Series of Utah Government

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Series: 84323
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain permanently
The county treasurer records tax assessmentws given to individuals and businesses on a yearly basis, and then rcords payment of the tax. The assessment rolls show name and address of owner or posessor of property; legal description of the land and valuation of real ...
Tax assessment--Utah--Morgan County.
Property tax--Utah--Morgan County.
Business tax--Utah.
Real property--Utah--Morgan County.
Public utilities--Taxation--Utah.
Mines and mineral resources--Taxation--Utah.
Animal industry--Taxation--Utah.
this is a record created by county treasurer of delinquent taxes in the same order as property sold appears on the assessment rolls (UCA 59-10-34).
This index is a listing of all property owners in the county. "Upon receipt of the assessment roll, the county treasurer shall index the names of all property owners shown by the assessment roll" (UCA 59-2-1317(1) (1995)). The index includes the property owner's name ...
Series: 3979
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain permanently

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