Record Series of Utah Government

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This volume records the payment of water bills. It contains: name of owner or agent, house number, number of months, amount of charge, purposes (house, lawn, bath closet, urinal, boiler, [type of business] store, saloon, barber shop, stables, vehicles, animals, fire ...
These applications are filled out by businesses to obtain licenses for selling beer within the boundaries of Provo City. There are four classes of licenses: Class A--consumption off premises; Class B--consumption on premises; Class C--beer on draft or container on or ...
Series: 7024
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 4 year(s)
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
Financial report, quarter report 1892. Provo treasurer.
Financial records for each city office are audited each year as required by law. The audit examines all revenues received by the city, and compares them to the city's expenditures, as an evaluation of the orperation of the agecny's accounting procedures and budgeting ...
Finance, Public--Utah--Provo.
Local budgets--Utah--Provo.
Provo (Utah)--Appropriations and expenditures.
Series: 85044
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s)
Holdings: 0.20 cubic foot
This series contains financial audit reports for various programs run by Provo City. The reports are compiled by outside accountants to verify the proper management of program funds in a given fiscal year. The series includes reports for such programs as Revenue ...
Series: 30343
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain permanently

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