Related Records For:

Office of Vital Records and Statistics Birth certificates 1905-[ongoing]

Birth certificates from Weber County (Utah). County Clerk, Series 20896, include all live births occuring in the state of Utah as recorded by the Office of Vital Records and Statistics.

Birth and death certificates from Southeastern Utah District Health Department (Utah), Series 28667, contain birth certificates registered by the state.

Soundex birth certificate index from the Bureau of Vital Statistics, Series 81437, indexes the birth certificates (1904-1934) by Soundex code number.

Out-of-state birth and death certificates from the Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Series 81442, are birth certificates from other states sent to the Utah Office of Vital Records and Statistics for statistical compilation when Utah residents are born in other states.

Native American birth certificates from the Bureau of Vital Statistics, Series 81444, are a separate file of birth certificates issued for Indians.

Delayed certificates of birth from the Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Series 81445, are birth certificates that are registered with Vital Records a year or more after the date of birth.

Amendments to birth records from the Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Series 81446, are forms used to change information on birth certificates, either through error, name change, or subsequent sex change.

Birth registers from Emery County (Utah). County Clerk, Series 84038, contain birth certificates filed with the Bureau of Vital Statistics beginning in 1904 but do not become public until 100 years after birth. The researcher should contact the agency.

Birth and death records from Weber County (Utah). Vital Statistics Registrar, Series 85146, contain the official copy of birth certificates.