Davis County (Utah). Health Department. Administration Division

Available Series:PDF Report

10730 - Acknowledgment of paternity by parents*
10716 - Birth and death control card*
10645 - Birth certificate*
11066 - Board member application*
10715 - Board of Health meeting materials and minutes
10724 - Board of Health members roster*
11067 - Burial-transit permit application*
10644 - Capital outlay detail statement*
10646 - Certified birth certificate application*
10717 - Certified death certificate application*
25879 - Collection files*
10712 - Contract files*
11068 - Death certificate*
10725 - Death hold log*
10649 - Detail collection and reimbursement report*
11069 - Disinterment permit*
10650 - Employee confidentiality agreements*
10729 - Father's paternity acknowledgment*
18963 - Insurance billing records*
10732 - Local registrar report of certified copies issued
10951 - Mileage reimbursement*
10723 - Monthly cemetery death report
10718 - Monthly communicable disease summary report*
10722 - Monthly funeral home death report*
11071 - Monthly hospital birth report*
10720 - Monthly hospital death report
10721 - Monthly nursing home death report
10647 - Monthly program reports*
10713 - Morbidity data summary files*
10733 - Mortuary death certificate invoices
10648 - Quarterly reports*
12091 - Systems and facilities billings*
10643 - Time activity record sheet*
10642 - Verification of birth and relationship*
11072 - Veterans' death certificate application
11073 - Vital statistics amendment affidavit*
25913 - Voluntary declaration of paternity information forms
27489 - Volunteer program files*

*indicates closed series

Exclude Closed Series from the list