Salt Lake City (Utah). Public Library
Available Series: | PDF Report |
20687 - Accession records
19068 - Accident/incident reports
20612 - Accounts payable
20635 - Administrative and fiscal operations grant files
20617 - Annual budget
20613 - Bank statements
20616 - Board of director's minutes
20618 - Budget background records
19070 - Cancelled checks
20620 - Check copy file
20688 - Circulation records
20689 - Circulation statistical reports
20621 - Complaints
20622 - Contracts
19073 - Copyright infringement forms
20619 - Daily cash reports
20623 - Department budget authorization lists
20624 - Deposit slips
20625 - Disposition records
20680 - Emergency and other personal leave files
20626 - Employment applications (not hired)
20627 - Equal Employment Opportunity records
20628 - Financial audit reports
20629 - Financial statements
20630 - Fixed asset files
20631 - General housekeeping files
20632 - General ledger
20634 - Grant files original applications
20636 - Grievance and disciplinary files
20637 - Human resources records
20639 - Information technology feasibility studies
20640 - Insurance policy files
20641 - Insurance reports
20690 - Interlibrary loan records
20642 - Job postings
20681 - Leave application files
20682 - Leave data files
20643 - Liability risk management case files
20647 - Library Services and Construction Act Title I, II, and III
20646 - Library scrapbook
20692 - Lost library materials and refund receipts
20649 - Management team minutes
19072 - Meeting room applications and weekly event schedules
19075 - On-line catalog system
20650 - Operational policies and procedures files
20691 - Patron assistance publications
20693 - Patron request
20651 - Payroll distribution register
20652 - Payroll register
20683 - Performance plans
20684 - Personnel evaluations
20685 - Personnel files
20659 - Position description files
20660 - Public library services development grant records
20661 - Public relations/news releases
20662 - Publications
20663 - Purchase orders
20614 - Solicited and unsolicited bids and proposal files
20664 - State Treasurer's accounting statements
20665 - Strategic plans
19069 - Suspended privileges patron file
20666 - System studies and report files
20667 - Technical reference files
20686 - Time and attendance
20668 - Training records
20669 - Vehicle fuel records
20670 - Vehicle maintenance records
20674 - Vendor list
20676 - Volunteer applications
20675 - Voucher lists
20677 - Wage survey
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