Park City (Utah). Public Works
Available Series: | PDF Report |
21662 - As-built construction drawings
21663 - Backflow prevention test reports
21664 - Bacteriological quality analyses reports
21665 - Billing adjustment records
21666 - Billing register
21667 - Billing report printout
21700 - Capital project status report
21668 - Chemical/radiological analyses
21701 - Class "C" road funding project files
21580 - Class rolls
21703 - Concrete maintenance records
21670 - Connection books
21704 - Construction contract records
21581 - Construction project files
21705 - Construction project files
21671 - Cross connection control survey files
21672 - Customer application records
21673 - Customer deposit cards
21674 - Daily filter log
21675 - Daily operation log
21676 - Daily pump station well reports
21404 - Daily vehicle usage report
21706 - Delivery tickets
21677 - Discharge monitoring and water reclamation plant reports
21678 - Ditch flow daily records
21679 - Ditch flow summary reports
21707 - Drainage maintenance agreements
21708 - Drainage system repair list
21709 - Drawings and diagrams
21711 - Encroachment agreements
21680 - Environmental protection agency (EPA) grant files
21712 - Excavation permit application
21713 - Excavation permit billings
21681 - Field notes
21714 - Flood control permit application
21682 - Flow charts
21407 - Fuel records
21408 - Gasoline sales tickets
21715 - Highway daily report
21683 - Hydrograph annual reports
21684 - Hydrograph daily charts
21716 - Information maps and plats
21409 - Insurance adjuster's estimates
21717 - Interlocal agreements
21718 - Intersection case files
21574 - Lease files
21582 - Maintenance complaints
21719 - Materials test results
21685 - Meter books
21686 - Meter location records
21687 - Meter repair and testing files
21410 - Mileage certificates
21688 - National pollutant discharge elimination system permits
21721 - Parking meter report card log
21583 - Parks files
21722 - Permits to work in a public way
21702 - Public works complaint files
21689 - Pump station well summary reports
21584 - Recreation program files
21585 - Recreational activity release records
21586 - Recreational equipment records
21587 - Recreational facility files
21588 - Recreational facility maps
21589 - Registration records
21690 - Remittance stubs
21723 - Resurfacing billings
21726 - School routing maps
21691 - Sewer main location plats
21727 - Signalized intersection records
21412 - Space utilization reports
21728 - Special assessment plats
21729 - Special event records
21591 - Sports teams records
22760 - Street cleaning records
22761 - Street maintenance records
22762 - Street name and house number files
21692 - Television inspection reports
21592 - Ticket stubs
22765 - Traffic drawings
22759 - Traffic signal conflict monitor log
21669 - Utility complaint files
21413 - Vehicle assignment records
22737 - Vehicle maintenance records
21414 - Vehicle registration certificates
21693 - Water consumption annual reports
21694 - Water consumption monthly reports
21695 - Water flow annual recorder charts
21696 - Water flow weekly recorder charts
21697 - Water main charts and indexes
21698 - Water stock purchase files
21699 - Water treatment plant operation reports
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