| Series
| Entity No: "1007"
Record Series of Utah Government
23 results |
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Holdings: 89 microfilm reels
These are the blueprints and specifications submitted by building contractors or owners when applying for a building permit for the construction of commercial, industrial, or apartment structures. The specifications are compiled by the architect for use by the ... |
Series: 12126
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
These are specifications for commercial buildings or institutions. The architect compiles specifications for contractor's use to complete detail work providing type, grade, and brand of materials to be used. Inspectors maintain plans to check during construction period. ...
Series: 5999
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain until end of project or program |
These are files containing small plans, compliance notices and other correspondence. When minor changes were requested in building plans, preliminary designs were removed from plan files and filed with related correspondence. These files include correspondence, small ...
Series: 6000
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 10 year(s) |
These cards are an address index to all building permits. They serve as a continous record of land use and are used continuously for public information on each city address. These cards include invoice number, date of permit, name of owner, address, and brief ...
Series: 6798
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |
These project files document activities under the city's Operation Paint Brush program. This project is funded through federal Community Development funds. It allows any low income city property owner to receive free paint and supplies. These files include application, ...
Series: 6807
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 7 year(s) |
These case files document all case brought before the Housing Advisory Appeals Board. They are used to reference specific cases. These files include minutes pertaining to case; control sheet used to track all action related to case; and the abstract and findings of the ...
Series: 6805
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 25 year(s) |
These reports are a monthly summary of construction and demolition activity in terms of permits, costs, and housing units. They are created from information provided from the permit invoices and show the comparison to same month in ten previous years. They are used for ...
Series: 6802
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 1 year(s) |
These case files document every housing or zoning complaint. They are used to document city actions concerning the complaints and for reference purposes. These files include notes, inspection reports, notices, orders, citations issued, photographs, and references to ...
Series: 6804
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 10 year(s) |
These case files document city ordered demolitions of substandard or hazardous buildings. They are used for research and litigation purposes. These files include correspondence; title report; notice of demolition; copies of legal documents such as order to show cause, ...
Series: 6800
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 50 year(s) |
These case files document the enforcement of demolitions of substandard or hazardous building initiated by private parties. They are used for research and litigation purposes. These files include correspondence, pictures, inspection report, legal documents, deficiency ...
Series: 6801
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 25 year(s) |
Salt Lake City (Utah). Division of Building Services and Licensing Apartment licensing program files
These program files record the annual inspections and enforcement actions of all apartment complexes of five or more units which are required to obtain a regulatory license. They are used for reference purposes and to document the actual inspections. These files include ...
Series: 6803
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 50 year(s) |
These invoices are issued as an official building permit for a variety of actions (construction, demolition, the installation of plumbing, electrical, or mechanical equipment, and the erection of signs or barricades). They may also be used for the payment of fees for ...
Series: 8687
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s) |
Holdings: 5.50 cubic feet 10 microfilm reels
This series contains registers documenting the issuing of building permits for various building construction projects in Salt Lake City. Entries are numbered consecutively in the chronological order in which the building permits were registered. The entry number ... Topics: City planning--Utah--Salt Lake City. Building laws--Utah--Salt Lake City. |
Series: 8690
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends Number of Copies: 1 |
This is a departmental microcomputer database containing one record for each applicant for funding under Operation Paint Brush. The information is used for administering program and for annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grantee performance reporting. The ...
Series: 8691
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 3 year(s) |
This is an automated system of building, plumbing, electrical, demolition, and general permit information. It is used for reference purposes to document when permits were issued. The information is backed up on tape every two weeks. This system includes permit number, ...
Series: 8692
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s) |
These case files document the developmental history of subdivision plans submitted to the Planning Commission for compliance review with zoning ordinances.
Topics: Cities and towns--Utah--Utah--Salt Lake City--Growth. |
Salt Lake City Code requires government building plans receive a permit for construction. The plans determine code compliance and enforcement of building codes. The accompanying specifications and calculations are compiled by the architect and engineer for use by the ...
Series: 26422
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |
Salt Lake City Code requires residential building plans be submitted and approved. Plans are for detached one and two-family dwellings and accessory buildings associated with the dwellings. Plans are used to ensure building is constructed to code. Records included in ...
Series: 26420
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 1 year(s) after expiration of permit or license |
Salt Lake City Code requires commercial building plans be submitted and approved. Plans are for all buildings excluding detached one and two-family dwellings and accessory buildings associated with the dwellings. This group includes plans for remodeling and additions to ...
Series: 26421
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 7 year(s) after expiration of permit or license |
These cards were pulled from the master address index when a building was demolished. Cards provide information on all permits issued and inspections made of building. To avoid confusion with new construction on address site, cards were stored alphabetically in a dead ...
Series: 6005
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 2 year(s) |
This card file documents all permits issued for the placement of signs by Building and Housing Services. It is used for reference purposes. This card includes address, name of contractor, date and inspection record.
Series: 6806
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 50 year(s) |
These minutes and agenda are of the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. The board is created by Salt Lake City ordinance to waive requirements of the housing code. They are used for research and to locate previous decisions of the board.
Series: 8689
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |
These minutes are for the regular and special meetings of the Board of Appeals and Examiners. This Board is entrusted with the right to waive requirements of the building code. They are used in the determination of alternate methods or interpretations of the Uniform ...
Series: 8688
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |