| Series
| Entity No: "1260"
Record Series of Utah Government
15 results |
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A file, maintained by the city personnel office, is created for each employee upon hire. The file is retained and updated throughout the term of employment. Files may contain a W4; employment applications; requests for employment from Job Service; action notices for ...
Topics: Personnel records--Utah--Vernal. Employees, Dismissal of--Utah--Vernal. Employee selection--Utah--Vernal. Withholding tax--Utah--Vernal. |
Series: 6908
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 58 year(s) |
Holdings: 6 microfilm reels
These minutes are the official record of the proceedings of regularly scheduled, special and emergency council meetings. They are adopted and approved by the council during their next public meeting. The minutes include the date, time, and meeting place; members present ... Topics: Municipal government--Utah--Vernal. Budget--Utah--Vernal. Tax collection--Utah--Vernal. City planning--Utah--Vernal. Licenses--Utah--Vernal. Vernal (Utah)--Politics and government. Vernal (Utah)--Appropriations and expenditures. Vernal (Utah)--Officials and employees. |
Series: 85011
Related Records (2) Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |
These are formal statements of a decision, or expression of opinion put before or adopted by the city council. They may perform the same function as an ordinance. Resolutions may include the following: establishing water and sewer rates, charges for garbage collection ...
Series: 25358
Related Records (1) Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
These files contain the constitution, bylaws and all amendments to city charters approved by the State Legislature (Constitution of Utah, Article XI, Section 5).
These are reports prepared by external auditors examining and verifying the municipality's financial activities for the year. "The audit required for any fiscal year shall be completed within six calendar months after the close of the fiscal year" (UCA 51-2-2 (1997)). ...
Series: 25361
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
These memos preserve the memory of day to day city business. They deal with many issues, ranging from garbage truck availability to clarification regarding testing procedures.
Series: 27447
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 1 year(s) |
These files contain information regarding victim advocacy cases. Information includes victim names, addresses, phone numbers, abuse claims, photos, and written statements.
Series: 26690
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 10 year(s) |
These are comprehensive plans for municipal development adopted by the city commission. "Each municipality shall prepare and adopt a comprehensive, long-range general plan for present and future needs of the municipality; and growth and development of all or any part of ...
Series: 29348
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently Number of Copies: 1 |
These files document the issuance of a permit which is required for all construction within Vernal City. These files contain the permit application with the inspection report on the progress of construction with a final inspection report, related correspondence, and ...
Series: 80755
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |
Ordinances are laws created by the city council. They are enactments which govern and maintain the operation of the city for peace, benefit, and regulation of the municipality. Each separate law may carry a penalty or fine and must not conflict with The Utah State ...
Topics: Municipal government--Utah--Vernal. Municipal government--Fees. Water use--Utah--Vernal. Traffic regulations--Utah--Vernal. City planning--Utah--Vernal. Police patrol--Utah--Vernal. Fire fighters--Utah--Vernal. Commercial law--Utah--Vernal. Vernal (Utah)--Traffic. Vernal (Utah)--Officials and employees. |
Series: 84916
Related Records (1) Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: |
Holdings: 3 microfilm reels
These books contain the legislative action of city council to regulate, require, prohibit, govern, control, or supervise any activity, business, conduct, or condition authorized by UCA 10-3-701 to 715 (1997). An ordinance includes a number, a title, preamble, an ...
Series: 25357
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends Number of Copies: 1 |
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
These are minutes of meetings and hearings held by the planning commission. "Each municipality may enact an ordinance establishing a planning commission" (UCA 10-9-201(1)(a)(1997)). A municipal planning commission shall "prepare and recommend a general plan and ... |
Series: 25398
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
These minutes are the official record of the proceedings of regularly scheduled, special and emergency council meetings. They are adopted and approved by the council during their next public meeting. The minutes include the date, time, and meeting place; members present ...
Series: 25356
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
These minutes document all meetings of the Board of Adjustment. The board consists of "five members and whatever alternate members that the chief executive officer considers appropriate" (UCA 10-9-701(2)(a) (1997)). The duties of the Board of Adjustment are to hear and ... |
Series: 25397
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |