Record Series of Utah Government

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This report form records both statistical and patient information on all emergency medical services calls received by the fire department. It serves as the medical chart for all persons treated by the department's paramedics. This report is required by law (UCA 26-8-5) ...
Series: 10019
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 10 year(s)
These forms are completed by property owners giving the fire department permission to use their property in training fires. The forms include: date, address of property, owner's name, name of person incharge, name of person responsible for demolition, purpose of ...
Series: 83406
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 7 year(s)
This biweekly computer printout is used to reconcile vacation, holiday, and sick leave earned and taken by employees of the fire department. It contains: employees name, social security number, year-to-date total hours (vacation, holiday, sick) earned and taken, hours ...
Series: 83408
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 4 year(s)

Series: 83664
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 1 year(s)
This manual contains the standard operational procedures and policies of the department.
Series: 83399
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until superseded
These files contain the general correspondence and memorandum received by the department. It concerns the general operation of the office and does not include any correspondence of the fire chief. various memos and correspondence dealing with various subject matter.
Series: 83409
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 3 year(s)
These files are used to keep track of all maintenance and repairs to department vehicles. They contain the vehicle number, date of any repairs and maintenance, explanation of repairs.
Series: 83416
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain until disposition of asset
These are monthly reports of vehicle usage. They are used to keep track of hours and mileage of department vehicles for maintenance purposes. They include: vehicle number; description of vehicle; assignment of vehicle; ending mileage; total miles driven; total hours ...
Series: 83421
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain until disposition of asset
This is a copy of a three part form completed by employees requesting permission to work an additional job. It contains: name of employee, type of work, hours and days of week to be worked, signature of approval or disapproval of request, and an explanation of ...
Series: 83412
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 1 year(s)
These files contain obsolete descriptions of individual positions in the West Valley City Fire Department. They include: job title, basic functions of position, brief description of duties, and required qualifications and skills.
Series: 83407
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 2 year(s) after superseded
These ledgers are used to track spending by individual account number. They contain the date, vendor number, item purchased, amount, and purchase order number. Prior to 1988, these ledgers were handwritten, but recently have been computerized.
Series: 83419
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 3 year(s)
This is a monthly report of all departmental activities. It contains the monthly fire data reports on equipment, vehicles, manpower, number of fire and hazardous material calls; a narrative from each program on events and projects completed including significant fires ...
Series: 83417
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 1 year(s)
These files contain the results of all department inspections of city businesses. All businesses are annually inspected to determine their compliance with city fire codes and ordinances.
These are reports on program activities and accomplishments of the municipality or individual department for the previous year. They may include statistics, narrative reports, graphs, and diagrams.

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