| Series
| Entity No: "1512"
Record Series of Utah Government
14 results |
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These files document the construction of county roads and buildings. They include correspondence, invoices, and original contracts.
Series: 809
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |
Holdings: 3 microfilm reels
Records include letters to the Duchesne County Attorney and Board of County Commissioners and letters from the Duchesne County Commissioners. |
Series: 13095
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
Series: 17472
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |
Holdings: 6 microfilm reels
Incorporation Case Files contain at a minimum the original articles of incorporation and any subsequent amendments to corporations. Some files also contain notices to pay licensing fees and taxes, oaths of office for corporate officers, annual reports, correspondence, ... Topics: Incorporation--Utah--Duchesne County. Businessmen--Utah. |
Series: 3745
Related Records (4) Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: |
These are formal statements of decisions or expressions of opinion adopted by the county commission. They perform the same function as an ordinance. The county clerk is required to "make full entries of all [county commission] resolutions" (UCA 17-5-209_(1995)). The ...
Series: 20105
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently |
These are four-part printed voter registration forms used to register eligible voters. "Every person applying to be registered shall complete a registration form" (UCA 20A-2-104 (2009)). They include the voter's name, address, birthdate, birthplace, last former address ...
Series: 27237
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
This is a record of all business licenses issued by the county. "The governing body of a county may license for the purpose of regulation and revenue any business within the unincorporated areas of the county" (UCA 17-5-222 (1995)). The type of licenses recorded in ...
Series: 26515
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
These records are the official oaths of persons elected or appointed to county positions. They are used to verify that oaths are given in accordance with the Utah State Constitution (Art. IV, Sec. 10). Before entering into the duties of office all elected and appointed ...
Series: 26785
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |
These records are election returns, and include ballot envelopes, ballots, tabs, and other related materials from each Duchesne County election precinct.
Series: 30520
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain for 22 month(s) |
These books document the payment of county and state bounties for the killing of various predators. To receive payment hunters completed appropriate forms and filed them with the county clerk. The clerk then issued "a certification under the seal of his office stating ...
Holdings: 0.50 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel
This volume records copies of Articles of Incorporation filed with the Duchesne County Clerk by newly organized corporations. The register was kept as the official copy which was available for public use. The actual articles of incorporation record the following: names ... Topics: Utah--Duchesne County--Records and correspondence |
Series: 27421
Related Records (2) Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: |
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
Numerical listings to the articles of incorporation created by the Duchesne County Clerk to facilitate access to the Articles of Incorporation Case Files. The series contains the assigned case number and the full name of the corporation. The case number is assigned on ... Topics: Incorporation--Utah--Duchesne County. Duchesne County (Utah)--Corporations. |
Series: 15110
Related Records (1) Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: |
This series contains copies of the marriage licenses granted in Duchesne County. The information includes names, addresses, and ages of bride and groom; date and number of license; date of marriage; title and signature of person performing the ceremony; and signatures ...
Topics: Marriage--Utah. Husband and wife--Utah. |
Series: 84243
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Retain permanently Number of Copies: 1 |
These are forms completed by couples applying for marriage licenses. They are used to prove their identity and record other pertinent information which permits the couple to receive their license. The application include the following information: "the full names of the ...
Series: 20104
Creator Information Other Records Produced by This Entity Total Retention: Permanent. Retain until administrative need ends |