Record Series of Utah Government

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For each date there are multiple entries giving case number, plaintiff and defendant , and briefly what action was taken (eg. motion for new trial heretofore submitted, overruled; demurer heretofore submitted, overruled; trial of case; etc.). The series boundaries are ...
Court administration

Series: 1502
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s)
This series contains numerous records from the Third District Court in Salt Lake City.
These reports include notices and objections and withdrawals of objections.
Holdings: 7 microfilm reels
This series provides access to the judgment dockets produced by the Third District Court in and for Salt Lake County. They give plaintiff name, defendant name, and the page number where a judgment log can be found in the docket books.
Judgments--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Court calendars--Utah--Salt Lake County--Indexes.
This series contains historic information on liquor application issues heard by the Third District Court in Salt Lake City.

Series: 1633
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s)
Holdings: 20 microfilm reels
These are the judgments docketed in the Third District Court in and for Salt Lake County. The docket functions as the clerk's primary tracking device for each civil case. A docket entry consists of the following information: names of judgment debtor and creditor, case ...
Judgments--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Court calendars--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Information recorded in these registers includes the auditor's number, certificate number, name, where summoned, mileage and perdiem, type of service, and civil or criminal, and amounts. District court costs in this period came from county budgets.
These are copies of individual income tax delinquent warrants. Per the 1953 Utah Code Annotated (59-14-60), "immediately upon receipt of said warrant in duplicate the sheriff shall file the duplicate with the clerk of the district court in his county". The clerk was ...
Records title of case, process, by whom served, to whom returned in sheriff's office, date, district court's number, sheriff's docket number, by whom received in county clerk's office, date, and remarks.
Holdings: 5 microfilm reels
Inquests, or hearings, were to be held on the bodies of persons who were supposed to have died by unlawful means to determine the cause of death and whether or not it was felonious. In practice, this also included inquests on those individuals whose deaths may have been ...
Holdings: 18.00 cubic feet 24 microfilm reels
To become a citizen of the United States, an individual normally filed a "declaration of intention to become a citizen" at least two years prior to applying for citizenship. The next step was the naturalization hearing at which the candidate and witnesses either made ...
Naturalization--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Emigration and immigration--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Citizenship--Utah--Salt Lake County.
These files document court proceedings in adoption placements for children. The aperture cards are microcopies of only the decrees granting temporary custody or final adoption.
Holdings: 39.00 cubic feet
This series contains files documenting the process followed by the court to determine the mental state of an individual and whether or not he/she should be involuntarily committed to a mental health care facility. The files typically include such documents as an ...
Mental health facilities.
Mentally ill--Utah.
Series: 3574
Related Records (1)
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 6 year(s)
Holdings: 17.50 cubic feet 43 microfilm reels
In 1884, the Salt Lake County Probate Court began to keep probate minutes in addition to ESTATE REGISTERS. The minute books record the daily proceedings in probate and guardianship matters in Salt Lake County. Adoption cases are also recorded. Occasionally, around the ...
Adoption--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Guardian and ward--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Executors and administrators--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Probate records--Utah--Salt Lake County.
These records contain case files from the third district attorney's office. Specific files include transcripts of proceedings, statements, some evidence, music notes, county attorney's reports, police reports and photographs. This material was used to prosecute criminal ...
Series: 4099
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 1 year(s)
These records consist of exhibits used in probate cases such as estates, guardianships, adoptions, etc. They include cancelled checks, bank statements, depositions, accounting books, etc.
This series contains civil case docket books for 1904-1905, 1913-1914, and 1921. Specifics include the various cases to be heard, case number, the defendant and plaintiff, dates and comments of proceedings, charge, fees, etc. The 1904-1905 docket book lists cases heard ...
These are traffic records created to document traffic citations for Murray city. Information includes the citation number, name, address of offender, officers name and badge number, and court assigned.
For claims under $5,000, individuals pay only a small filing fee, and represent themselves in an informal court procedure. The aim of the small claims process is to faciliate the settlement of matters involving relatively small awards in a speedy and inexpensive manner.
Series: 3478
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Retain for 9 year(s)
Holdings: 24 microfilm reels
This series documents the individual criminal cases tried by the Third District Court. Actions taken in each case are recorded on separate documents and then filed together to become the case file. As these documents enter the case file they are recorded in the Criminal ...
Criminal justice, Administration of--Salt Lake County (Utah).
Salt Lake County (Utah)--Parties to actions.
Criminals--Salt Lake County (Utah).
The Notice Books are variously labeled as Notice Books and Notice Registers. These books are maintained in chronological order and contain the following information relative to each case: case number, plaintiff, defendant, attorneys for plaintiff and defendant, and the ...
Holdings: 20 microfilm reels
The case files are a collection of all documents and actions filed with the court clerk in connection with individual court actions. They provide documentation of the proceeding from initial filing through disposition or dismissal. Such papers and actions include ...
Court records--Utah--Salt Lake County.
Holdings: 1.00 cubic foot 3 microfilm reels
This series functions as an index to access the criminal case files and registers of actions. Individual entries record the name of defendants involved in criminal actions and provide the following information: name of the defendant, assigned case number, page number ...
Criminal justice, Administration of--Salt Lake County (Utah).
Salt Lake County (Utah)--Parties to actions.
Criminals--Salt Lake County (Utah).

judgments--utah--salt lake county. (8)

corporate divestiture--utah--salt lake county. (5)

criminal courts--utah--salt lake county. (5)

divorce suits--salt lake county (utah). (5)

salt lake county (utah)--actions and defenses--cases. (5)


Has Online Records

No (94)

Yes (10)

Records Status

No longer created (103)

Still being created (1)

Primary GRAMA Class

Public (69)

Exempt (9)

Private (5)

Secondary GRAMA Class

Exempt (3)

Public (2)

Private (1)

Protected (1)

Holdings In Archives

Yes (71)

No (33)

Has Finding Aids

No (68)

Yes (36)

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