Record Series of Utah Government

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Holdings: 6.65 cubic feet 17 microfilm reels
The records in this series document the history of the Upper Colorado River Storage Project in the state of Utah, which authorized the construction of reservoir and hydroelectric facilities within the Upper Colorado River Basin.The authority for the Colorado River ...
Water resources development--Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico)--Records and correspondence
Utah--Water rights.
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
This series contains proclamations that were accepted by Governor Clyde. Proclamations often expressed the Governor's inclination to honor specific aspects of Utah's economy, culture, or resources.
Holdings: 2 microfilm reels
This series is comprised of records documenting travel information and expenditures for the Governor's office.
Holdings: 20 microfilm reels
This series contains assorted records from conferences and workshops that the Governor and his administration were involved with.
Holdings: 0.35 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels
This series contains newspaper clippings relating to the gubernatorial election of 1956 and various issues facing state government at the time. The purpose of the clipping files is unclear. While a few of the clippings are undated, those that are dated fall between July ...
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 7 microfilm reels
This series consists of budget allocation requests to Governor Clyde's administration.
Holdings: 5 microfilm reels
This series contains correspondence between Governor Clyde's office and officials from other states concerning extradition of fugitives.
Holdings: 2 microfilm reels
This series is comprised of appointment notices issued by Governor Clyde during his terms in office.
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
This series contains rosters of state government employees during the administration of Governor Clyde.
Holdings: 0.35 cubic foot
This series consists of a loose leaf notebook containing telegrams, photocopies of newspaper clippings and correspondence pertaining to the use of public (federal) lands.
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
This series contains two calendar books used to record Governor Clyde's appointments, meetings, events, speaking engagements, etc. for the years of 1960 and 1964. The entries are sparse enough that they don't nearly constitute a complete record of the governor's ...
Holdings: 0.35 cubic foot
These two volumes contain appointments made for George Dewey Clyde, Utah's tenth Governor. The appointments in the 1956 volume are primarily related to Clyde's successful election campaign and preparations to assume office. The 1957 volume include appointments during ...
This series contains records relating to the planning, construction, and furnishing of a new Governor's Residence at 1270 Fairfax Road. Governor Clyde was involved in the planning process from when he took office in 1957 until the house was completed and turned over to ...

Holdings: 5 microfilm reels
This series consists primarily of correspondence between Governor Clyde's office and various federal agencies. It also includes correspondence relating to out-of-state issues or organizations such as "Cuban Refugees", the Columbia Interstate Compact Commission, the ...
Holdings: 5 microfilm reels
This series contains pink carbon copies of outgoing correspondence from Governor Clyde's office. While other carbon copies of the same correspondence were likely filed in other correspondence files, these copies are arranged chronologically rather than by topic. The ...
Holdings: 0.50 cubic foot
This is a framed, photographic portrait of the first lady, Mrs. Ora Packard Clyde. The black and white photo is mounted in a similar frame as that of Mrs. Rampton, and the two portraits were possibly taken about the same time at the Jay Lynn studio.
This series includes the following reports: Findings and Recommendations of the Legislative Auditor, 1957-1959; Public School Buildings Study, 1958; Report and Recommendations of the Utah Legislative Council, 1957-1959; Utah School Merit Study, 1958.
This series documents the governor's activities within the states Finance Department. The records include correspondence, financial reports, and memoranda.
Holdings: 93 microfilm reels
On 11 July 1870 miners in the St. John precinct of Tooele County met to organize the Shambip Mining District. Boundaries for the district extended from the school house, where they met, north to the summit of the dividing ridge of the Grantsville Pass, west across the ...
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 2.35 cubic feet 2 microfilm reels
This series contains speeches given by Governor Clyde during his terms in office.
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
This series contains Governor Clyde's copies of minutes and agenda pertaining to meetings of the Board of Examiners, a committee on which the Governor served with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General.
Holdings: 25 microfilm reels
These newspaper clippings are a glimpse of the most prominent challenges and victories during Clyde's incumbency. Governor Clyde faced one of the worst droughts that Utah had ever seen, that consequently put significant strain on crops and livestock and put heavy ...
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)--Utah
Water resources development--Utah.

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