Record Series of Utah Government

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Holdings: 2 microfilm reels
This series contains materials collected primarily by Governor Bangerter's education policy advisor, Colleen Colton. The Bangerter administration viewed education as a key to Utah's future and tried to emphasize enhancing educational opportunities for youth. The series ...
Educational evaluation--Utah.
Education and state--Utah.
Educational change--Utah.
Utah--Education--Aims and objectives.
Bangerter, Norman H. (Norman Howard), 1933-.
Holdings: 12.00 cubic feet 22 microfilm reels
This series documents the activities of Governor Bangerter's chiefs of staff and their deputies, the principal agents in setting policy for the administration, coordinating the functions of the executive branch, and monitoring the performance of state agencies. The ...
Bangerter, Norman H. (Norman Howard), 1933-.
Utah--Governors--Staff--Records and correspondence.
Finance, Public--Utah.
Utah--Thrift institutions.
Holdings: 2.00 cubic feet 3 microfilm reels
This is the correspondence handled by the staff of the Governor's residence. There is some correspondence bearing Governor Norman Bangerter's signature, but the series consists primarily of his wife's records, as she worked primarily out of the Governor's mansion. As ...
Governor's Mansion Foundation.
Governor's Ball Committee.
Governor's spouses--Utah.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 0.35 cubic foot 1 microfilm reel
This series consists of the speeches given by Colleen Bangerter, wife of Governor Norman H. Bangerter. As the Governor's wife, Colleen Bangerter served as an advocate of the administration and was a sought-after speaker by schools, clubs, and civic groups. She regularly ...
Drug abuse--Utah--Prevention.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 1.35 cubic feet 4 microfilm reels
These are press releases given to media sources to publicize the Governor's activities and opinions. Also included is documentation used to produce the releases such as letters of condolence, official decrees, and departmental reports. Many pieces of correspondence are ...
Public relations--Utah.
Government executives--Utah.
Judges--Selection and appointment.
Holdings: 5 microfilm reels
This series contains letters to the Governor on issues which generated large quantities of mail from constituents wishing to register their opinions or lobby for a particular action on the part of the Governor. Generally the Governor's office replied with a form letter. ...
West Desert Pumping Project.
Aged--Services for--Utah.
Iron and steel workers--Utah.
Abortion--Law and legislation--Utah.
Hazardous wastes--Utah.
Public relations--Utah.
Art--Study and teaching--Utah.
Prayer--Public opinion.
Great Salt Lake (Utah).
Utah--Politics and government.
Series: 12415
Related Records (2)
Creator Information
Other Records Produced by This Entity
Total Retention: Permanent. Retain for 5 year(s) after separation
Holdings: 3.00 cubic feet 8 microfilm reels
This series contains the correspondence of Governor Norman H. Bangerter and his personal staff, rather than that of the office staff at large. The series documents that segment of the correspondence deemed of sufficient importance or interest for the Governor to handle ...
Andrews, William.
Swapp, Addam.
Singer, Vicki.
Utah. Public Service Commission.
Utah. National Guard.
Persian Gulf War, 1991--Utah.
Executions and executioners--Utah.
Winter Olympics.
Law--Utah--Interpretation and construction.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 3 microfilm reels
These opinion ballots convey constituents' views on topics of the day, including insurance, education, DUI (driving under the influence) penalties, AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) testing, surplus funds, hazardous waste, abortion, flag desecration, wilderness ...
Public opinion--Utah.
Public opinion polls.
Issues management--Utah.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 2 microfilm reels
This series is comprised of the records of Barclay Gardner, Governor Norman Bangerter's executive assistant from October 1987 to the summer of 1988. There was no position of executive assistant either before or after Gardner's tenure. The records reflect the background ...
Bangerter, Norman H. (Norman Howard), 1933-.
Utah--Governors--Staff--Records and correspondence.
Holdings: 6.00 cubic feet 11 microfilm reels
These are the records of David Buhler who served as Governor Norman Bangerter's policy advisor in the area of economic development during Gov. Bangerter's first term. They include correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, and rarely photographs. One of the keystones of ...
Occupational training--Utah.
Tourist trade--Utah.
Utah--Economic conditions.
Utah--Economic policy.
Utah--Politics and government.
Buhler, David
Utah. Dept. of Community and Economic Development.
Utah. Committee of 100.
Utah. Minority Advisory Councils.
Holdings: 1.00 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels
These are thank you letters and routine congratulatory letters received, and in some cases sent, by Governor Bangerter's office. Thank you letters helped cultivate and preserve good will between the Governor and his constituents. Unlike much of the other correspondence, ...
Public relations--Utah.
Public opinion--Utah.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 3.00 cubic feet 5 microfilm reels
These are the speeches given by Governor Bangerter during (and slightly before) his terms of office. The Governor spoke at many public and private occasions such as retirements, civic functions, and religious groups, up to 230 times per year. The Governor spoke for many ...
Public relations--Utah.
Government executives--Utah.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 9 microfilm reels
These are the official declarations of Governor Bangerter's office. Declarations were one of the public relations functions of the office, done as one of the services offered to constituents. They were created to draw attention to particular people, places, or things. A ...
Governors--Powers and duties.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 1.00 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels
These are the records of the Utah Washington D.C. Office during Governor Norman H. Bangerter's administration. The office was directed by Kelly Murdock from 1985 to 1989 and by Deborah Turner from 1989 to 1992. The office existed to coordinate federal-state relations. ...
Health care reform--Utah.
Water conservation projects--Utah.
Federal-state controversies--Utah.
Military readiness.
Utah--Politics and government.
These records display earnings, deductions, and taxes, providing net income, warrant or direct deposit information. They are prepared and used for payroll disbursement and provide detail related to the staff of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor.
Holdings: 2.00 cubic feet 4 microfilm reels
These are records created or received by the Press Secretary during Governor Bangerter's two terms in office. These records provide background material for publicizing the activities of the Governor's administration. The Press Secretary from January 1985 to April 1992 ...
Public relations--Utah.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 40 microfilm reels
These are the Governor's copies of legislative bills and related correspondence. The series documents the process the Governor went through to determine if he should sign a bill, veto a bill, or allow a bill to become law without his signature. A case file contains a ...
Bill drafting--Utah.
Legislative histories--Utah.
Holdings: 2 microfilm reels
These are the daily schedules of Governor Bangerter. They were created to coordinate his activities and obligations efficiently. Each day's schedule records date; times; type of activity, often with notations; names of persons or groups with whom he would be meeting; ...
Bangerter, Norman H. (Norman Howard), 1933-.
Utah--Politics and government--1985-1993.
Holdings: 0.20 cubic foot 2 microfilm reels
This series contains the organizational papers, minutes, and financial records of the ALERT Foundation, a corporation established as part of Governor Bangerter's plan to reform education. On December 18, 1985, Governor Bangerter declared a "State of Alert" in Utah ...
School publicity.
Education--Utah--Public opinion.
Holdings: 117 microfilm reels
This series represents the correspondence handled by the governor's office staff during Norman Bangerter's two terms as governor. The series reflects the governor's response to constituent concerns while governing the state. These constituents include primarily the ...
Human Services--Utah.
Public relations--Utah.
Personnel management--Utah.
Public opinion--Utah--Economic aspects.
Utah--Environmental conditions.
Utah--Politics and government.
Holdings: 3 microfilm reels
These binders form a synopsis of the governor's interactions with the annual legislature. The binders include information on the annual budget, including the governor's Budget in Brief; the final legislative bill summary report; a listing of bills passed; a description ...
Bills, Legislative--Utah.
Utah--Legislative histories.
Utah--Finance, Public--Appropriations and expenditures.
Bangerter, Norman H. (Norman Howard), 1933-.
Holdings: 2.00 cubic feet 4 microfilm reels
These subject files were created by the governor's wife, Colleen Bangerter, and her administrative assistant, Judy Schiffman, as they worked out of their office in the Governor's mansion. As the Governor's wife, Colleen Bangerter was a sought-after speaker and board ...
Utah--Governors' spouses.
Bangerter, Colleen
Holdings: 1 microfilm reel
These records summarize Governor Bangerter's "Capital for a Day" program, including his "Open Door" meetings. "Capital for a Day" involves the governor spending a day periodically in a community somewhere in Utah. While in the community, he meets with local officials, ...
State-local relations--Utah.
Bangerter, Norman H. (Norman Howard), 1933-.
Holdings: 13 microfilm reels
These are clippings on topics relating to Utah or Governor Bangerter. The Governor's office subscribed to a number of professional clipping services. Included are newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, and news clips (brief written summaries) of coverage on radio or ...
Bangerter, Norman H. (Norman Howard), 1933-.
Public relations and politics.
Utah--Politics and government.
Utah--Public relations.

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