Taylorsville (Utah)
Available Series: | PDF Report |
30252 - Annual budget and audit records
30253 - Campaign financial disclosures
29960 - City Council meeting materials and agenda packets
29968 - City Council meeting minutes
30018 - Conditional use permit records
30246 - Election canvass and Board of Canvasser resolutions
30272 - Engineering and Capital Project books
30239 - Newspaper clippings*
29055 - Ordinances
30251 - Property appraisals
30199 - Publications
30016 - Redevelopment Agency meeting minutes
30017 - Resolutions
30026 - Subdivision Review case files
30006 - Taylorsville Planning Commission meeting materials
30008 - Taylorsville Planning Commission meeting minutes
30247 - Voter registration records*
*indicates closed series
Exclude Closed Series from the list