Park City (Utah). City Manager
Available Series: | PDF Report |
21366 - Adding machine tapes
21267 - Administrative and fiscal operations grant files report
21358 - Annual fixed asset report
3125 - Annual reports
22746 - Appraisal project files
21396 - Beer license application files
21308 - Bond anticipation notes
21309 - Bond issue files
22747 - Building illustrations
21398 - Business license certificates
21397 - Business license files
21483 - Business license registers
21561 - Campaign financial disclosure statement files
21269 - Census information files
22748 - Certification files
21270 - City scrapbooks
21287 - Committee minutes
22749 - Community development block grant original application and final report
22750 - Community development block grant supporting files
22751 - Consultant records
21503 - Contract purchasing records
21441 - Court ordered community service files
21517 - Disaster planning files
21359 - Disposition records
21568 - Easement files
21569 - Election ballots
21570 - Election canvasses
21571 - Election records
21572 - Election returns
21824 - Electronic mail*
21360 - Equipment inventories files
22740 - Evidence log
21274 - Executive correspondence
22752 - Facade project files
22741 - Fatal fire investigation case files
21830 - Financial guarantees
21276 - Finding aids
21831 - Fire investigation files
21361 - Fixed asset lists
21376 - Freight records
21277 - General administrative records*
21278 - Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) access requests
21279 - Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) municipal appeals case files
22735 - Government records access and management act (GRAMA) state appeals case files
21554 - Grave opening orders
21827 - Historic structure demolition files
22753 - Housing and urban development financial records
22754 - Housing and urban development historical properties grant files
21282 - Incoming document log
21518 - Insurance policy files
21519 - Insurance reports
21825 - Inter-and intra-departmental memorandum*
21283 - Internal committee records
22742 - Investigative case files
22743 - Investigative reports
21505 - Leasing contract files
21520 - Liability risk management case files
6115 - License register and index*
21521 - Loss control inspection reports
21284 - Mailing lists*
21522 - Medical and dental insurance claim files
21834 - Medical and dental insurance record files - personnel files
21523 - Minutes of the Board of Equalization and Review
21346 - Notary bonds
21524 - Notices of intention
21289 - Organizational files
22756 - Owner project files
21290 - Pending files*
21291 - Performance audits
22734 - Policy and procedures case files
21292 - Policy and procedures manuals
22757 - Preliminary plan reports
21506 - Professional service agreement records
21293 - Project control files
21525 - Protest files
21296 - Publications
21297 - Reading or chronological files*
21509 - Real estate acquisition files
21298 - Records transfer sheets
22745 - Redevelopment agency annual report
22758 - Redevelopment plans (non-approved)
21510 - Requests for proposals
21299 - Routine control files*
21411 - Service requests
21826 - Sign files
21526 - Special assessment books
21527 - Special assessment ledgers
21528 - Special assessment statements
21529 - Special tax refund books
21513 - Successful bid proposal files
21362 - Surplus property case files
21301 - System studies supporting files
21300 - Systems studies final reports
21512 - Tax exemption records
21302 - Technical reference files
21303 - Telephone message registers
21304 - Telephone messages
21305 - Transitory correspondence
21514 - Unopened bid proposals files
21511 - Unsuccessful bid proposal files
21306 - Unsuccessful grant application files
22744 - Utah emergemcy medical services (EMS)
21515 - Vendor list
21415 - Work order log
22738 - Work orders
21307 - Working papers
*indicates closed series
Exclude Closed Series from the list