Smithfield (Utah)
Available Series: | PDF Report |
22320 - Board of adjustment minutes
29408 - Budget
28110 - Cemetery burial-transit permits*
28105 - Cemetery deed and payment ledgers
28101 - Cemetery interment register*
28103 - Cemetery lot cards
28163 - Cemetery maps*
28104 - Cemetery name and record sheets*
22698 - City Council minutes
22699 - City ordinances and resolutions
28102 - Death and burial record cards*
28109 - Death and burial record sheets
28107 - East Bench Water Works Company ledger*
29335 - General plan
22319 - Planning and zoning commission minutes
27786 - Police Department case files
25354 - Publications
28106 - Record of city and cemetery lot deeds*
3682 - Tax assessment record book*
*indicates closed series
Exclude Closed Series from the list