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General Retention Schedule Items
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These reports are prepared by officers engaged in public patrol or response duties and describe initial actions taken.These records may include a description of the incident, the identifying information of parties involved, the general scope of actions taken by public safety personnel, and the nature of any injuries and damages sustained (Utah Code 63G-2-103(14)(2014)). These records may also include dash-cam recordings, copies of citations issued, warrants issued, DUIs issued, and driver and witness statements. Fatal crashes and violent felony records including homicide and sexual assault are not included in this schedule.
Retain for 10 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 2014-06-01 |
These records document the work schedules and assignments of Utah Highway Patrol field personnel. Information includes the assigned division and district as well as dates and schedule details for a work week. Name and badge number of each officer are also included.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 2014-07-01 |
These records document traffic infringement citations and warning citations issued by officers of the Utah Highway Patrol. Information includes personal information of the defendant and vehicle description information. These records also contain a description of the charges against the defendant including appropriate state, county, or city code citation as well as location, date, and time of alleged offense. The signature and badge number of the reporting officer and the date and address of the defendant's hearing are also included.
Retain for 10 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 2014-07-01 |
These records track the time that Highway Patrol officers are in court in response to a subpoena. Information includes officer name and badge number; citation number; charge; date, time, and location of trial; whether or not the officer was on duty at the time of the court appearance; total hours; case disposition showing verdict, reason for dismissal (if applicable), and reasons for continuance (if applicable); and officer's signature.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.
These records track all incoming evidence collected by Utah Highway Patrol officers. Information includes the case number or owner of evidence received, the list of evidence items, the reason for the collection of evidence, and the name of the officer submitting the evidence. Information also includes weapon disposal, disposal area to which evidence is released, and date and authorization of release. Violent felony records including homicide, sexual assault and fatal crashes are not included in this schedules.
Retain for 10 years after final action, and then destroy records.
Effective 2014-07-01 |
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