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General Retention Schedule Items
This is a notice sent to taxpayers for personal property or vehicle taxes. It includes name, address, identification number, property description, quantity, taxable value, total personal property value, tax rate, tax amount, any interest due on taxes, total tax amount, balance due, and a date payable. Upon payment of taxes and validation, the tax notice becomes the personal property receipt.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1991-06-01 |
This list records reservations made for meals served at senior centers. It is used for meal planning and to create reports. The form includes center's name, dates, participant's names, days of week, indication of dates reservations made, whether meal served, and whether individual is a volunteer.
Retain for 1 year after final action, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
This state report form documents health inspections of all hotels, motels, resorts, and labor camps. Any deficiencies discovered in the inspection must be corrected before next routine inspection or a specified period or facility could be closed until work is completed. The report form includes establishment's name, establishment type, city, county, lodging unit numbers, secondary water source, on-site sewage disposal type, owner's name and address, health district, lessee's name and address, inspection type (routine, complaint, construction inspection, request, follow-up inspection, pre-opening inspection, survey, and other), and results of inspection concerning water supply, wastewater disposal, service buildings or restroom facilities, housing, laundry facilities, swimming or wading facilities, solid waste, and specific remarks, date, and signatures of the owner or representative and sanitarian.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
This is a report on the condition of foods delivered to senior centers. It is used for compiling reports and for future planning. The report includes center name, date, time food arrived at center, temperatures for milk and hot and cold foods, homebound and congregate meals, time homebound meals left kitchen, a list of any missing items, a list of any additional foods, any comments from center staff and clients, and suggestions.
Retain until completion of publication or report, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
This is a monthly report on senior center activities. It is used to compile quarterly reports for the State Division of Aging Services. This report includes senior center name, date, actual service units provided, service (general category access service, in-home, community service, other services, meals, and transportation), year-to-date budget, actual budget, and current budget.
Retain for 4 years after completion of publication or report, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
This is a monthly report submitted by the local health department to the state Department of Health listing the amounts spent for capital outlay on state contracts. It includes the local health department's name, the reporting period, payee's name, the contract or program where the outlay was made, and expenditure amount.
Retain for 3 years after final action, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
This is a statewide form provided by the Department of Health to all local health departments. It is used by parents to claim a personal exemption based on a personal belief opposed to immunization in accordance with Utah Code 53G-9-304(2019). This form must be completed annually to receive continued recognition of the personal exemption. It includes a statement claiming exemption from immunization, parent or guardian's name and signature, address, date, name of child/student exempted, date, school or child care facility's name, witness's signature, title, and date.
Retain until 21 years after date of birth, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
This calendar documents the scheduling of volunteers at the senior centers. It is a monthly calendar containing notations indicating volunteer's name and specific times scheduled to work at center.
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
These are reports on inspections of food service establishments to ensure that proper methods of food preparation and sanitation are followed. These inspections are authorized under UCA 26-15a-107 (2008), 26A-1-113 (2011), 26A-1-114(1)(g) (2011). These reports include the name and address of the owner; name of the establishment; inspection purpose (follow-up, regular, etc); the date by which identified violations must be corrected; inspector's comments; and results of the inspection of food, food protection, personnel, food equipment and utensils, water, wastewater, plumbing, toilet and hand washing facilities, solid waste disposal, insect/rodent/animal control, floors, walls, and ceilings, lighting, ventilation, dressing rooms, other operations, living quarters/laundry; the rating score; and inspector's name.
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
These report forms document the inspection of recreational camps and temporary mass gatherings. The form includes the identification number, facility type, day use area, indication whether camp is modern, semi-developed, semi-primitive and if camp is operated by federal, state, county, city governments, church, youth, private, or other; facility name, camp's maximum capacity, number of dependent/independent/self-contained spaces, number of cabins or shelters used for sleeping purposes; secondary water source and whether it is for outside use; whether camp is on a sampling schedule; whether a water sample was taken at time of inspection; on-site sewage disposal type; whether food service inspection made and inspection report attached; whether a person is trained to render first-aid; owner's or operator's name; local health department's name; whether a permit is needed; for operations; inspection type (e.g., routine, complaint), report of inspection on site, water supply, waste water dis posal, service buildings, housing, swimming or wading facilities, solid waste, and first aid facilities; any applicable remarks; date; operator's or representative's signature, and signature of sanitarian. All deficiencies must be corrected before next inspection or specified period or facility could be closed for noncompliance (UCA 26A-1-114(1)(g) (2011)).
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
These files document the participation of children in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program. The purpose of the program is to provide supplemental foods and nutrition education to low income families in accordance with the provisions of 7 CFR 246?(1993). This program is open to children between the ages of one and five. These files include the nutritional education record, lost or stolen WIC Voucher/ID Card Report, WIC certification form, nutrition care plan, nutrition education information, WIC participant responsibilities agreement, turnaround change order, family enrollment form, growth charts, infant/child medical history, nutrition history, and correspondence.
Retain for 10 years after date of birth, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
These surveys record the inspections of water tanks for proper security, sanitation, proper maintenance, sanitation, and chlorine levels to guarantee water quality. The survey forms include date, name and address of owner, location of water system, results of inspection, and signature of sanitarian.
Retain until final action, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
These forms document surveys taken by schools or local health departments of children entering kindergarten and child care to determine immunization status. Copies of the forms are sent to the State Department of Health. The forms include name of facility and responsible party, number enrolled in kindergarten or day care, number of children with immunization cards or records turned in to the school, number of children with no record, number of children adequately immunized, number of exemptions (medical, religious, personal), and total number of exemptions. These records are also called Preschool immunization survey sheets.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
These are reports used by the field director to determine if mosquitoes in a specific area are creating a problem for the public. This report includes date, time, area, species and number, total count, hour of the day, temperature, wind condition, and collector.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1996-01-01 |
These records document the participants in events at county fairs. and indicate the ratings and premiums given. Information includes the name of the participants, the name of the animal or item on exhibit, the rating, and the amount of premium awarded.
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.
Effective 1995-11-01 |
These are test results for the inspection of public swimming pools to ensure that they comply with the requirements of UCA? 26-15-2(2)?(2007). These results include the county name, water supply source, the date the sample was collected, the lab number where tested, the individual name collecting the sample, and the test results.
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1992-12-01 |
These reports document the number of mosquitoes that are trapped each night in light traps. This information is used to determine spraying success and whether spraying should be repeated. The reports include date and time, location, truck number, trap number, date, weather conditions, and number of mosquitoes trapped.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1996-01-01 |
These geospatial records contain information pertaining to reference locations (or points on the earth), parcel boundaries, parcel identifiers, parcel addresses, owner types, county recorder contact information, and planning and zoning data.
Permanent. Retain for 1 year. Records may be transferred to the archives.
Effective 2009-04-01 |
These are the issuing agent's copies of bond registration stubs.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1989-03-01 |
These books are generated for each county fair and used by exhibitors to determine entry procedures. The premium book states the types of categories for entry and the rules to win. They are sent to previous-year exhibitors and specific requesters. The information in the book includes entry dates, fees, map of fairgrounds, entry blanks, scheduled entertainers, information on contests, and classes available for entry.
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.
Effective 1995-11-01 |
This is a quarterly report of gas emisions from the landfill in accordance Utah Administrative Code, R315-302.2(3)(a)(iv) (2013). Includes inspector's name, date, monitoring levels at various locations of landfill, comments and signature of inspector.
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.
Effective 1995-11-01 |
These records document the payment of delinquent taxes. Information includes taxes and penalties owed and paid, and related records. These are not legal evidence of property ownership.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 2016-03-01 |
These records show the name of employee, dates of absence, explanation of emergency, signature of employee taking emergency leave, and signature of supervisor.
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1997-12-01 |
This inspection report notifies landfill whether material was incorrectly rejected or hauler incorrectly charged. It is used to correct errors and to improve operating procedures. It includes date and time, inspector's name, location, hauler, license/truck number, transaction number, vehicle, material, contact phone number, whether an adjustment is to be made, tip fee, pictures (y/n), and any relevant comments.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-11-01 |
These files document the performance of exempt employees. They may include performance records superseded through an administrative, judicial, or quasi-judicial procedure; performance appraisals along with job elements and standards upon which they are based; and supporting documentation.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1997-12-01 |
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