Department of Natural Resources. Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining. Oil and Gas Conservation
Available Series: | PDF Report |
7471 - Annual fluid injection report
7429 - Audit reports*
7452 - Audit work papers
20994 - Compliance case files
20989 - Designation of workover or recompletion reports
20988 - Disposal facility case files
17885 - Gas plant reports
8623 - Inspection and Enforcement maps and plats
8622 - Inspection and Enforcement seismic report index*
8621 - Inspection and Enforcement seismic survey approvals*
8424 - Inspection and Enforcement well drillers bonds
8620 - Inspection and enforcement seismic exploration records
3020 - Intention to drill notices*
7476 - Oil Reclamation Program administrative files*
7475 - Oil Reclamation Program list of permitted used oil reclaimers, collectors, and re-refiners*
7474 - Oil Reclamation Program reservoir pressure report*
7473 - Oil Reclamation Program, used oil establishment log*
7479 - Oil and Gas Conservation, field files
7478 - Oil and Gas Conservation, field names advisory committee meetings minutes
7477 - Oil and gas drilling unit files
3017 - Oil and gas monthly production reports*
84452 - Oil and gas operator list
5874 - Oil, gas and pipeline map*
25627 - Plugged and Abandoned Well files
27880 - Royalty dispute files
7467 - Underground Injection Control monthly field injection report
7469 - Underground Injection Control monthly injection well reports
7468 - Underground Injection Control monthly produced water disposal report
8637 - Well Records Program logs
17935 - Well location abandoned files
4708 - Wells Records Program electric logs
8633 - Wells Records Program files
8638 - Wells Records Program index*
8634 - Wells Records Program operator change file
8635 - Wells Records Program production/disposition reports
8639 - Wells Records Program received logs
*indicates closed series
Exclude Closed Series from the list