Utah State Tax Commission. Processing Division
Available Series: | PDF Report |
17053 - Account index cross reference report
4363 - Ad valorem tax audits
17052 - Alpha index cross reference report
17037 - Application for special fuel user permits
17070 - Bad check files
27254 - Beer destruction files
17051 - Business tax microfilm
4139 - Check remittance and documentation records
25942 - Cigarette and tobacco product records
17043 - Cigarette license tax files
17044 - Cigarette stamps tax files
27255 - Cigarette/tobacco license tax files
10096 - Circuit breaker tax records
17071 - Claim for reduction or waiver of penalty and interest
17067 - Delivery to shippers report file
9770 - Environmental surcharge tax returns
2906 - Exemption rulings for non-profit corporation records
17035 - Fuel carrier's reports
1086 - Individual income tax returns
23587 - Miscellaneous refund tax system
6019 - Motor fuel license files
17066 - Motor vehicle sales tax files
17068 - Out of state brewers' shipments to distributors within the state of Utah tax files
17025 - Partnership income tax returns
17078 - Plate correction record
85008 - Revenue accounting remittance
17065 - Sales tax files, miscellaneous
6017 - Special fuel license files
17061 - Studded tire fee report
10095 - Wine and liquor tax records
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