General Retention Schedule Items

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These records are used to identify and notify the volunteers and part-time staff who perform religious services and individual counseling at the facilities. Information includes weekly work schedules, time of counseling sessions or religious services, and the name of the individual conducting the activity.
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-10-01
Correspondence documenting the communication between staff and inmates or vendors regarding account balances, payments, goods and services owed or money transfers. Includes inter-office memorandums, letters and notes from inmates, and correspondence with vendors.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-06-01
These records are used to document the authorization granted to a volunteer to move from one facility within the prison to another. Includes the date and times of movement, purpose of movement, name of the activity supervisor, name of volunteer and final destination of volunteer.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-10-01
These files are used to review building plans, to make changes in design, and to ensure that the designs are correct and meet the specifications prepared by the Department. May include architectural designs, specifications, correspondence, contract agreements, final building plans, and cost analysis data. The original files are retained by Department of Facilities Construction and Management.
Retain until expiration of contractual agreement, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-07-01
This file is used to track the number of bed linens processed for each housing unit. Information includes the number of sheets, pillow cases, blankets and bed pads received, housing unit, date, etc.
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-08-01
These files document the restitution and other obligations that inmates are ordered to pay for damages they have done to either the State's or another inmate's property. Information includes name, date, file number, amount of payment, letter of authorization, and related correspondence.
Retain for 1 year after final action, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-06-01
These files document the negotiations and the resulting agreements for leased facilities. Information includes specifications and procurement information, modifications made to buildings, space management analysis, contracts, agreements, correspondence and building modification work orders.
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.

Effective 1999-08-01
Provides a record of gas and oil consumption, dispatching and scheduling of motor vehicles.
Retain until disposition of asset, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-08-01
These files are used to track security equipment assigned to Department personnel. Includes weapons inventory, ammunition inventory, inventories for radios, handcuffs, keys, chemical agents, flashlights, waist chains, badges, pagers and tactical team equipment. Information includes name of employee, date assigned, type of equipment, equipment serial number, initials of employee receiving the equipment and the employee releasing the equipment and the date equipment was returned.
Retain for 3 years after final action, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-08-01
This log provides a record of problems and maintenance on facility boilers. Includes date, type of problem or service, work assignment, etc.
Retain until disposition of asset, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-08-01
These records are used to manage the security of weapons and the issuance of weapons to correctional personnel. Includes weapons inventory, ammunition inventory, inventories for radios, handcuffs, keys, chemical agents, flashlights, waist chains, badges, pagers and tactical team equipment.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-08-01
Records used to assist in the preparation of the divisional budgets and to justify budget requests to the Department director.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-10-01
These files document employee medical history relating to job related medical incidents. The files may include bloodborn pathogen information as required by OSHA Bloodborn Pathogen regulations 29 CFR part 1910.1030, bloodborn pathogen exposure report, airborne pathogen exposure report, Worker's Compensation records, fitness for duty case files, suitability assessment files, drug testing records, and ADA related records.
Retain for 30 years after separation, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-08-01
Records used to assist in the preparation of the Department's budget and to justify budget requests presented to the Governor's Office. Includes working papers, cost estimates, rough data accoumulated in the preparation of annual budget estimates, narrative statements, reports on the status of appropriation accounts and apportionment, quarterly and annual reports regarding the effectiveness of the budget as a whole.
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.

Effective 2000-10-01
Provides a written record of an employee's disciplinary hearing.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-08-01
Provides a record of employee time sheets, including flextime attendance reports, supplemental time and attendance records, such as sign-in/sign-out sheets and work reports that are used for time accounting under flextime schedules.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-08-01
Documents requests received from inmates for clothing. Includes the name of the inmate, date requested, clothing requested and date clothing was issued or denied.
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-07-01
Provides a record of the current prices paid for food items purchased by the Food Services Section of the Prison. The logs are used for budgeting and ordering future items. Includes price paid, vendor's name, current status of contract and the food item.
Retain until superseded, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-10-01
These lists are used to track which inmates register for various activities such as facility sporting events, barber/beauty salon visits, etc. Includes the name of the inmate, inmate number, type of activity and date.
Retain for 6 months, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-07-01
Provides a detailed summary of incoming evidence from incidents involving inmates/residents or Departmental personnel. Includes the evidence document number, case number, suspect/inmate/resident name, evidence location, description of evidence, officer receiving evidence, date received, reason released, date returned and final date of and manner of disposition of the evidence.
Retain for 30 years after final action, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-10-01
Documents the training completed by K-9 units. The areas of training include apprehension, tracking, detection and obedience.
Retain until separation, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-10-01
These records are generated when an inmate requests to see an attorney. The files include the inmate's name and number, date of request, inmate's housing location, inmate's employment location, dates (form was received, forwarded, and returned), status of appointment (seen, rescheduled, moved, cancelled, etc.), date signed and signatures of inmate and attorney.
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-07-01
Documents incidents occurring within the facility. May include reports involving staff members, inmates or non-individual incidents such as doors ajar, etc. Includes date, time and location of incident, name of individuals involved, names of witnesses, description of incident or security breach, and action taken or recommended. Any incident resulting in disciplinary action would be retained in the inmate/resident file or the employee file.
Retain for 6 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 2000-10-01
These files document information collected to determine whether or not a family and home are appropriate for the placement of children currently in foster care. If the home is determined to be suitable, children may be released from the custody of the Division of Child and Family Services to the approved family and home. Information includes criminal background checks, autobiographies, physical, psychiatric, and psychological examinations, interviews, income information, and home study evaluations.
Retain for 10 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1998-02-01
This is the raw data received from county sheriffs in the state indicating the number and types of juveniles held in jails. This information is used to prepare the Detention Data Report.?This record includes the name of county; the name of the youth offender; the youth's sex, age, and race; the alleged violation; the date the youth was admitted to jail and the date released; to whom the youth was released; and the total length of time the youth was held.
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 1999-07-01

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