General Retention Schedule Items

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These files document detention records for youths over the age of 10 and under 21 years of age who have been placed in juvenile detention facilities for care and services. Juvenile detention records are kept for three years after the detainee's 18th birthday unless expungement of the record is ordered by the Juvenile Court. Records of juveniles 21 years of age or older are destroyed. Information includes name, birthdate, birthplace, court actions, criminal histories, fingerprints, education, psychological and psychiatric information, medical information, and victim information.
Retain for 21 years after date of birth, and then destroy records.

Effective 2006-06-01
These are denials pertaining to the adoption of children. They indicate the reasons for Family Services' denial of adoption applications. They include a profile summary of the adoptive family which contains parent surname, religion, income, education, occupations, and children's names and ages.
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-08-01
These files document information collected to determine whether or not a family and home are appropriate for the placement of children currently in foster care. If the home is determined to be suitable, children may be released from the custody of the Division of Child and Family Services to the approved family and home. Information includes criminal background checks, autobiographies, physical, psychiatric, and psychological examinations, interviews, income information, and home study evaluations.
Retain for 10 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1998-02-01
These are the legal interpretations written by the Attorney General's Office upon request by the division to guide them in enforcing and obeying the law. The official copy of this record is maintained by the Attorney General's Office. Opinions are also published in the State Bulletin.?This record includes opinions on custody and guardianship definitions and certification of programs and providers.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-07-01
These files document treatment programs for both victims of domestic violence, and perpetrators. Information includes address, age, birthdate and birthplace, court actions, victim information, psychiatric and psychological information, medical and dental information, and family information.
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-08-01
These are plans prepared by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention office to combat juvenile delinquency and crime.
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 1999-07-01
These records document information gathered by staff regarding foster parents who are providing services to children in out-of-home care. Records are used to disperse payments as well as determine potential foster parents eligibility for foster care licensure and ability to provide for the needs of children in their care. Records include agreements, trainings, licenses, case worker's notes, and related information.
Retain for 50 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 2016-02-01
These files document the supervision of delinquent youths in the community. The Division of Youth Corrections keeps daily logs, tracks school records, and implements court orders to accomplish these tasks. Information includes court records, name, age, family information, assessments, daily contact reports, and correspondence.
Retain for 21 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1999-07-01
These are actions taken by the Board of Youth Corrections to ensure the Division's continual compliance and conformity with the provisions of its programs.
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 1995-09-01
These reports are generated by American Express and show expenditures made by state employees on agency American Express credit cards.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These are requests for building and equipment maintenance services, excluding fiscal copies.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These records document bibliographies, check lists, and indexes of agency publications and news releases, except those used as indexes to public relations files.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
Theses files describe established positions including information on title, series, grade, duties, and responsibilities. Information also contains Position Description Questionaire (PDQ).
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These are documents retained strictly for reference and informational purposes which are not part of any other official files.
Retain until resolution of issue, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These are bills that document calls from state offices.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These records document adoption placements for children whose birth parents have either been deprived of or have permanently relinquished their parental rights. Information includes face sheet, intake information, social history, closing information, medical, genetic, and birth information, educational records, psychological evaluations, birth certificates, legal documents, adoption reports, summons, paternity rights, administrative reviews, investigative reports, handwritten notes, financial reports, and correspondence.
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.

Effective 1995-08-01
These are policies and procedures that govern the operation and administration of various programs within the Division of Youth Corrections.
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 1999-07-01
These are transcripts of hearings held by the Utah Board of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to determine the location of the Youth Corrections Facility and to determine the contracting procedures for the Youth Corrections program. This record includes the date and time of the hearings and the individuals present.
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 1999-07-01
These records are used to determine eligibility of program participants for Medicaid services for youth offenders under state supervision. Specific types of documents include Medicaid applications, copies of birth certificates, parental income declaration forms, and copies of placement services contracts.
Retain for 10 years after after case closes, and then destroy records.

Effective 2006-02-01
These files document assistance given to children through the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD). DSPD places physically challenged children in small group homes as part of a federal program to integrate them into the larger society. Participating children are under the age of twenty-two.
Retain for 10 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These files document clients placed in small group homes by the Department of Human Services, Division of People with Disabilities. These children are placed in the small group homes from the Utah State Developmental Center and other intitutional facilities.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These are health assessments performed on new or current clients to determine whether they qualify for Title XIX programs.
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These are policies and procedures for the development of assessment plans and assessment advisory training counsels to meet the assessment and health plan certification needs for clients who are developmentally disabled.
Retain for 1 year after or until superceded, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01
These are agency reports that document the status of appropriation accounts and apportionments at the end of the fiscal year.
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Effective 1995-06-01
These are reports from the Division of Finance indicating the status of agency payroll transactions.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.

Effective 1995-06-01

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