Davis County (Utah). County Clerk

Available Series:PDF Report

11595 - Absent voters register
11596 - Agenda*
11597 - Annual reports*
11598 - Approved claims list*
17568 - Articles of incorporation alphabetical index*
17569 - Articles of incorporation numerical index*
11801 - Articles of incorporation record books*
11808 - Assumed names business records*
11802 - Birth register*
11599 - Bonds anticipation notes*
29759 - Bountiful Precinct Register of Deaths*
11601 - Bounty records and index*
11602 - Bull register*
11603 - Campaign finance reports
11608 - Candidacy declaration forms
11604 - Certified candidates list*
27603 - Civil Defense Crisis Relocation Plans*
18925 - Clinton precinct birth register*
11605 - Commission agenda files*
11606 - Computer daily cash receipts*
26710 - Conflict of interest declarations*
84244 - Death registers*
11609 - Election ballots*
11610 - Election district maps*
11611 - Election files*
11613 - Election results
11616 - Finding aids*
11617 - Franchise book*
11618 - General administration records*
11622 - Incorporation oaths of office*
17898 - Incorporation oaths of office index*
11812 - Irrigation lands book*
11806 - Land adjudication records*
28100 - Leasing contract and service agreements*
84385 - Limited partnership filings*
23383 - Marriage certificate record books*
6344 - Marriage license applications
23378 - Marriage license book indexes*
23384 - Marriage license record books*
6040 - Marriage licenses
28180 - Newspaper clipping files*
11621 - Notaries public index*
13041 - Notaries public records*
28748 - Oaths of office
12555 - Official bonds*
11624 - Official elections registers*
11607 - Official register of voters/voter registration file list
11625 - Ordinance and indexes
11626 - Organizational files
11627 - Pending files*
28474 - Petition Files
11629 - Policies and procedures manuals*
11630 - Press releases files*
28099 - Purchasing contracts and agreements*
84751 - Real property acquisition and sales contracts*
11631 - Resolutions
11879 - Treasurer deposit report*
17510 - Voter registration file/list*
11612 - Voter registration forms
11800 - Water claims abstracts*
11810 - Water claims tabulations*
11813 - Water commission minutes*
11807 - Water commission records*
11811 - Water rights certificate books*

*indicates closed series

Exclude Closed Series from the list