Board of Education

Available Series:PDF Report

1417 - Accession book*
12086 - Accessioned records*
12980 - Administrative Council minutes
5621 - Administrative records*
12379 - Adult Education Program financial, statistical, and narrative reports*
17691 - Agency history*
10657 - Alcohol, tobacco, and drug reports
29609 - Annual Report
84427 - Annual reports
30155 - Audit Committee meeting records
27570 - Auxiliary Services reports*
3269 - Budget and appropriation requests
9901 - Budget ledgers
84405 - Bulletins
10656 - Career and Technical Education annual evaluation reports*
28860 - Carson Smith scholarship records
17699 - Central Utah vocational student records*
14051 - Certification review committee minutes and agenda*
1435 - Class schedules and teacher lists
30153 - Closed Meeting Recordings
10801 - Community Education Partnership reports*
1927 - Conference and workshop records
10728 - Core curriculum standards reports*
30387 - Core standards
1337 - Correspondence*
10631 - Critical issues affecting education reports*
4969 - Curriculum reports*
84398 - Designing education for the future project reports*
83743 - Detail by division report*
10679 - Education conference reports*
84850 - Educational Research Bulletins*
10677 - Educational quality indicators reports*
17698 - Electronic High School student records*
85317 - Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Title I reports
85315 - Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Title III reports
84618 - Elementary school library list*
14062 - Evening high school student records*
12979 - Executive Committee meeting minutes
10670 - Extended year summer school statistical reports*
84377 - Federal and state program funds for public education catalogs*
1879 - High school graduates follow-up study data*
85311 - Higher Education Act of 1965, Title V reports
17732 - Ibapah Indian School correspondence*
28861 - Internal audit reports*
22660 - Internal audit work papers*
84370 - Investigations of educators or education entities case files*
1873 - Joint Board of Education and Board of Equalization meeting minutes*
84436 - Legislative program manuals*
84393 - Literacy and English as a second language resource directory*
30152 - Meeting Recordings
3349 - Minority education reports*
1312 - Minutes
1368 - Minutes and supporting documents
1434 - Normal scholarships register*
26100 - Organization Chart*
29778 - PETTS program records*
84434 - Perspectives magazine*
83741 - Project report*
1348 - Publications*
17687 - Publications
84437 - Rankings of Utah and other selected states reports*
83740 - Recipient report*
30023 - Redevelopment, Community, and Economic Development Agencies*
14053 - Scholarship records*
29911 - School Learning and Nurturing Development Trust Program annual reports
23943 - School building construction and inspection resource manuals*
84439 - School buildings in Utah reports and supplements*
5341 - School census records
1896 - School cost study data*
10819 - School directories*
84421 - School district consolidation and boundary change feasibility studies*
1334 - School district correspondence*
84629 - School district evaluation reports*
5848 - School district maps*
19989 - School district performance reports preparation handbooks*
84422 - School evaluative criteria manuals*
29864 - School fees compliance certificates*
30918 - School finance program account records
10816 - School finance reference manuals*
1960 - School finance study records*
84424 - School transportation reports
30472 - Special Education Due Process Hearing decisions
30473 - Special Education state complaint decisions
1920 - Staff committee minutes*
30116 - Statewide Online Education Program enrollment records*
10886 - Statewide educational assessment report*
20377 - Statewide testing program reports*
27623 - Statistical Bulletin: Annual Information Guide to Utah School Districts*
27552 - Statistical Bulletin: Information Guide*
1919 - Statistical records*
17703 - Statistical reports*
1831 - Status of teacher personnel reports
12955 - Strategic Planning Commission records*
12981 - Superintendent's executive correspondence
84854 - Superintendent's items handbook*
412 - Superintendent's opinions
30474 - Supporting Documentation for dispute resolution records
26116 - Tax sheltered investment records*
1432 - Teacher certification examination records*
1431 - Teaching certificates and diplomas registers*
1366 - Teaching credentials applications*
1433 - Temporary teaching certificates register*
14058 - Test results*
84401 - Universities teacher education program reports*
30718 - Unopened parent complaints of alleged educator misconduct
19964 - Utah Conference on Higher Education newsletters*
84981 - Utah Joint Committee on Educational Television reports*
84435 - Utah Schools newsletter*
28512 - Utah Science Technology and Research program budget reports*
12954 - Utah State Education Strategic Planning Committee files*
84855 - Utah school laws*
1827 - Utah social service questionnaires*
84978 - Western states small school project reports*

*indicates closed series

Exclude Closed Series from the list