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General Retention Schedule Items
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These are licensing histories of family day care providers. Family day care licensors create these records and use them to complete background reports and histories of providers. These files are also used when a provider case is reopened.
Retain for 8 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are verifications for home energy assistance. The Department of Workforce Services gathers information from clients in order to verify and determine eligibility for home energy assistance.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are files that show the distribution of food stamps to eligible clients. Clients must pass a needs test and meet income standards set by both the federal government and State of Utah.
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are billings issued to daycare providers for services provided to the Department of Workforce Services.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These files document a demonstration program initiated by the Department of Workforce Services to assist single parents to obtain gainful employment. This program has an initial life of five years although if successful may be extended. The program was initiated in 1992.
Retain for 6 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are payments to clients receiving benefits from programs offered by the department. These payments are for day care, subsistence, child care, and housing.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are complete case histories of clients receiving services provided by or through the Department of Workforce Services.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are overpayments for medical expenses incurred by clients through the medicaid program. The Department of Workforce Services maintains the original paperwork on excessive payments and is responsible for collecting overpayments from clients.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These files document services provided for programs offered by the department. Participants are required to meet eligibility requirements outlined by the State of Utah.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are licensing and inspection files of centers that provide care and supervision of children under the age of fourteen for more than four but less than twenty-four hours a day for a fee.
Retain for 8 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are prescription drug claims from clients receiving assistance through the Department of Workforce Services. Clients must meet income and medical eligibility requirements set by federal and state governments.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These files are used to monitor client cases and their progress. They also document the self sufficiency and income eligible child care programs.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
Cards that have been voided by the Department of Workforce Services, when overpayments are discovered, fraud is evident, or the client has been declared ineligible for benefits.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
These are transmittals for checks and cash deposited into Workforce Services divisional and regional financial accounts. Deposits are made by low organizational number and include deposits with the State Treasurer, transmittal date, department number, collection number, description number, account number, totals, copies of checks and receipts, services request, and billing forms.
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
Cards issued to clients receiving medical care for medicaid services offered through the Department of Workforce Services.
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.
Effective 1995-09-01 |
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