Davis County (Utah). County Auditor
Available Series: | PDF Report |
11633 - Abatement application files
11634 - Abatement card index*
11635 - Abatement register
11636 - Accounts payable
11637 - Accounts receivable
11638 - Annual budget
11639 - Annual financial report*
11640 - Annual fixed asset report*
11642 - Assessed valuation register*
29691 - Audit committee meeting minutes*
11645 - Board of Equalization minutes*
11297 - Bond and tax anticipation notes
11298 - Bond issue files
11600 - Bond record*
29441 - Budget
11646 - Budget apportionment records*
11647 - Budget background records*
11656 - Capital asset lists
11655 - Central store inventory files*
11649 - Checkbook stubs*
11883 - Circuit breaker reimbursement records
27947 - Commercial property equalization files*
84732 - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
11650 - Computer daily cash receipts
11880 - Corrected assessment rolls
11315 - County monthly fee reports*
27628 - Credit card applications & files*
26113 - Credit card reconciliations
11651 - Departments deposit slips
11653 - Disposition records of fixed assets*
11648 - Electronic check files
11654 - Equalization files
11657 - General ledgers
11619 - General obligation bond
28731 - Internal audit files
26722 - Internal audit final summary reports
11919 - Irrigation records*
84231 - May tax sale records*
11308 - May tax sale reports*
11658 - May tax sales minutes
11659 - Monthly department reports*
11641 - Official County Levy records
27234 - Payroll journal*
27841 - Payroll register*
27310 - Pending distribution of unclaimed property reports
11644 - Property tax register
28674 - Requests for bid proposals
11884 - Returned valuation notices
11632 - Revenue bonds
11660 - State Tax Commission report*
11661 - State Tax Commission reports*
11881 - State Treasurer deposit report*
11318 - State assessed property sheets*
11662 - Subsidiary ledger and journal files*
28675 - Successful bid proposals files*
11652 - Tax abatement records*
11643 - Tax deeds*
11663 - Tax distribution reports*
11885 - Tax exempt properties records
11669 - Taxable value sum reports
11882 - Taxing entities proposed tax rate report
11665 - Tentative budget working files
27233 - Time entry reports*
11120 - Time sheets*
11918 - Total property tax valuation report*
11667 - Travel private vehicle usage files*
11666 - Travel reimbursement files
11668 - Valuation notices
11664 - Value and tax rate report
*indicates closed series
Exclude Closed Series from the list