Office of Vital Records and Statistics
Available Series: | PDF Report |
28666 - Acknowledgment of paternity registry
28618 - Adoption registry
81446 - Amendments to birth records
23075 - Annual abortion statistical reports
81443 - Birth certificates
23073 - Births, deaths, and marital status statistical reports
81475 - Budget background records
81487 - Center for health statistics correspondence file
81489 - Certified record and research requests
81470 - Contract files
81452 - Court-ordered-delayed death certificate
81478 - Data table files
81448 - Death certificates
81438 - Delayed birth certificates index
81445 - Delayed certificates of birth
81414 - Director's council membership files
16764 - Director's speech files
81430 - Executive correspondence file
7172 - Fetal death certificates
28622 - Financial records
28617 - Gestational carrier files
28620 - Hemp extract registry
81417 - Induced termination of pregnancy physician reports
81412 - Legitimation and paternity file
81418 - Marriage license applications
16766 - Monthly report of informed consent material use
23824 - Mortality reports
12360 - Native American death certificates
81442 - Out-of-state birth and death certificates
16765 - Policy and procedure records
81408 - Purchase requisitions
28619 - Records storage logs
28621 - Report of birth files
81425 - Sealed adoption birth certificate files
29977 - Vital Records divorce certificates
28623 - Witness protection files
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