Davis County (Utah). County Sheriff
Available Series: | PDF Report |
18891 - Accident reports
30627 - Booking record cards
18872 - Cell inspection log
18863 - Classification case files
17466 - Commitment and release orders
18876 - Corrections policy and procedures manual
26109 - Court security checklists
30268 - Crime Lab internal audit record
30267 - Crime Lab logs
18885 - Criminal history records
17483 - Daily activity report
25161 - Davis County jail program provider records
18887 - Dispatch Recordings
18886 - Dispatch logs
26461 - Emergency operations plan
18889 - Fingerprint cards
26107 - Head count reports
30258 - Homicide, violent felonies and sex crime Investigation Files
18868 - Inmate commissary account records
27739 - Inmate medical records
24281 - Inmate phone service records
81753 - Inmate property inventory sheets
80618 - Jail booking files
28424 - Jail incidents and disciplinary reports
18856 - Jail logs
26739 - Jail video survelliance records
18858 - Jail visitor logs
30270 - Level II Search Request and Authorization records
30257 - Misdemeanor and felony investigation files
28092 - Mobile audio visual device records
27491 - Mobile data terminal communications
30263 - Quarterly facility inspections
26108 - Security incident reports
30265 - Sheriff's Complex preventative maintenance records
30264 - Sheriff's Complex work orders
28234 - Sheriff's policy and procedure files
27241 - Sheriff's sales records
30266 - Tow Rotation Applications and supplemental records
20075 - Traffic citation and officers notes
20073 - Uniform crime report files
30260 - Watch/Shift Commander log
30262 - Weekly jail facility inspections
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