Department of Health and Human Services. Healthcare Administration. Division of Integrated Healthcare. Office of Medicaid Operations.
Available Series: | PDF Report |
7896 - Aged prior authorization
8252 - Alphabetic diagnosis code report
7939 - Alphabetical check register
7936 - Batch balance reports
9775 - Batch control tickets
7938 - Batch summary
15203 - Bear River Mental Health Medicaid enrollment records*
9679 - Billing work papers
7895 - Bureau of medical payments claims exception reports*
15207 - Central Utah Mental Health Medicaid enrollment records*
25216 - Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) premium remittance forms
7917 - Claim adjustment exception
7916 - Claim credit exception
7944 - Claims in process
7898 - Claims to be adjusted
7900 - Claims to be paid due to force
16909 - Correspondence file
7940 - Cumulative year to date update proof
27259 - Daily paper claim logs
15205 - Davis Mental Health Medicaid enrollment records*
7901 - Denied prior authorization services
7909 - Dental claims exception
7889 - Dentist invoice
7934 - Diagnosis code report
8248 - Drug code report*
4233 - Drug description report*
8250 - Drug formulary report*
7915 - Early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment claim exception*
17425 - Electronic data transmission logs and reports
7907 - Emergency transportation claim exception
7918 - Exception summary by claim type
7897 - Expired preadmissions
7910 - General medical claim exception
7888 - Health insurance claim form
7913 - In-patient hospital claim exception
16908 - Incoming correspondence file
7905 - Independent lab and x-ray claim exception
7922 - Indigent eligibility/need exception
7925 - List of clients receiving medical assistance*
7926 - List of clients receiving medical assistance*
7927 - List of clients receiving medical assistance*
7890 - Long-term care turnaround document
84403 - Medicaid ICF/MR day treatment service file*
83640 - Medicaid Management Information Systems direct billing report
17917 - Medicaid buyout program case files
7933 - Medicaid management information system drug code report*
7932 - Medicaid management information system procedure code report*
6765 - Medical claims
7928 - Medical eligibility directory*
7941 - Medical identification card register
7929 - Medical payments bureau remittance statement
7921 - Medicare crossover payment records disposition
7919 - Medicare crossover rejections
7920 - Medicare crossover rejections for state review and follow up
19003 - Medicare crossover transaction report
14699 - Mental health center's medicaid enrollment records*
7924 - Migrant expenditure analysis
84684 - Monthly log delete report*
12109 - Monthly summary*
7911 - Non-emergency transportation claim exception
7914 - Nursing home claim exception
7891 - Outpatient claims*
7903 - Outpatient hospital claim exception
17355 - Pharmacy billing system claims*
7912 - Pharmacy claim exception
7892 - Pharmacy claim forms*
7906 - Practitioner claim exception
7902 - Pre-admission continued stay
27263 - Prehearing records
7945 - Preliminary payment summary
7923 - Prior authorization request exception
12240 - Project and suspense correspondence
8017 - Provider ranking list
17904 - Provider recovery monthly transaction records*
83637 - Provider year to date claims
7942 - Providers profile register*
7943 - Purged claims history*
7946 - Recipient year to date report
8305 - Redeemed warrants*
11374 - Reference files*
7937 - Rejected batches
7908 - Rural health claim exception
7899 - Services to be clerically denied
14701 - Southwest Mental Health medicaid enrollment records*
16911 - Supervisor's personnel files
7904 - Transaction register
18159 - Utah Health Information Network transmission summary
15206 - Wasatch Mental Health Medicaid enrollment records*
15204 - Weber Mental Health Medicaid enrollment records*
84683 - Weekly suspense adjudicate report*
84685 - Yearly adjudicate report*
84686 - Yearly deleted claims
*indicates closed series
Exclude Closed Series from the list