Department of Commerce. Division of Consumer Protection

Available Series:PDF Report

11260 - Advisory board accessioned records*
9243 - Business opportunity disclosure records
30291 - Case file evidence
9248 - Charitable organization records
29146 - Closed postsecondary school student records
9245 - Complaint case files
310 - Consumer alert newsletter*
83947 - Consumer alert press releases*
83946 - Consumer protection information*
30292 - Core case information
11775 - Credit service organization registration records
27749 - Debt management services application records
12373 - Enforcement files*
1478 - Executive correspondence*
84037 - Health spa bond and letter of credit records
1488 - Housekeeping correspondence
28773 - Immigration consultant registration records
84039 - Inquiry case files*
30126 - Internet service provider disclosures
30944 - Lawyer referral consultants registration records
9246 - Legal case files
30942 - Maintenance funding provider registration records
1495 - Minutes
28967 - Pawnshop and secondhand business transaction records
27836 - Pawnshop and secondhand merchant registration records
26446 - Personal Introduction Services files*
14274 - Policies and procedures manuals
25794 - Postsecondary school authorization records
84050 - Professional fundraiser and professional fundraising counsel or consultant registrations
30941 - Residential, vocational and life skills program registration records
11776 - Telephone solicitation registration records
1477 - Transient vendors receipts*
30943 - Transportation network company registration records

*indicates closed series

Exclude Closed Series from the list