Division of Human Resource Management
Available Series: | PDF Report |
1048 - Administrative records*
81576 - Administrative rules working files
81574 - Agency delegation and evaluation agreements*
25722 - Americans with Disabilities Act medical records*
25725 - Americans with Disabilities Act requests for accommodation*
81577 - Answer and score sheets*
29871 - Audit reports
29872 - Audit workpapers
11276 - Budget records*
81630 - Bureau of Staffing and Employee Services policies and procedures files*
81578 - Cancelled registers*
81579 - Case card file*
1055 - Certification requests*
10172 - Certified Public Manager Program performance examinations*
10253 - Certified Public Manager Program scores and projects*
25647 - Certified Public Manager administrative records
25646 - Certified Public Manager program historical records
25675 - Certified Public Manager team projects*
25650 - Classification manuals
81631 - Classification review requests
81580 - Classification studies
4018 - Compensation and salary survey records
23233 - Constituent response files*
2639 - County correspondence*
25702 - Database security access requests
660 - Department of Corrections personnel files*
85023 - Department of Human Services Developmental Center personnel files*
25680 - Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act audit report*
9060 - Department of Transportation employee files*
9989 - Deposits with state treasurer*
25679 - Drug and alcohol testing program records*
22512 - Electronic salary survey data*
81591 - Employee Assistance Program case files*
81592 - Employee Assistance Program case log*
81594 - Employee Assistance Program correspondence files*
81597 - Employee Assistance Program summary report*
27258 - Employee background checks*
4098 - Employee handbook*
81537 - Employee personnel history cards*
10255 - Employment application examination and rating records*
26643 - Employment eligibility verification (Form I-9)
4114 - Employment examinations*
80445 - Employment security personnel records*
25143 - Employment verification records*
25641 - Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) affirmative action plans*
25642 - Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) compliance review files*
25643 - Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) discrimination complaint files*
9936 - Executive Job Evaluation Committee grievance files*
81573 - Executive correspondence
81601 - Expenditure adjustment requests*
1021 - Fair Employment Review Committee affirmative action files*
25704 - Fair Labor Standards Act training records*
25720 - Family Medical Leave applications*
25726 - Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) records*
5993 - Flexible benefits claims vouchers*
9816 - Flexible benefits salary reduction agreements*
25133 - Government Records Access and Management Act requests
27715 - Governor's Award for Excellence nomination and selection files
1030 - Health department personnel action notices*
25701 - House Bill 330 conversion report*
9938 - Human Resource Advisory Council minutes*
25703 - Human Resource Enterprise database*
4200 - Human Resource Management rules*
83243 - Human Services Former employees files*
83244 - Human Services employee personnel files*
6614 - Human Services personnel case files*
23236 - Human resource director meeting minutes*
81603 - Human resource profile and notice of personnel action*
990 - Incentive awards justifications*
81604 - Interdepartmental transfers requests*
25705 - Job and position descriptions
4199 - Job bulletins*
81607 - Job order/recruitment plans*
81618 - Job swap or career mobility files*
25170 - Labor Commission Personnel records*
81619 - Management certification assessment center and feedback information files*
25644 - Manager of the year award*
1051 - Minute books*
25709 - New employee orientation records*
1022 - New hires summary sheets*
9594 - Non-hire applications*
81620 - Official certifications of eligibles*
29867 - Official reports
81621 - Official request for certification of eligibles*
81622 - Organizational development project computer printouts*
81624 - Organizational development project final reports*
81623 - Organizational development project work papers*
24919 - Organizational development studies*
10171 - Outstanding State Employee Award records*
81625 - Payroll and staffing report*
81626 - Personnel file index*
80616 - Personnel records
81628 - Personnel study manuals*
81629 - Personnel study workpapers*
81632 - Position classification codes*
19312 - Position classification grievance files
25729 - Position classification monitoring files*
1430 - Position status conversion request file*
81633 - Posting payroll*
29868 - Program and policy development records
17418 - Proposed legislation files
1013 - Publications
81634 - Reappointment register*
81635 - Reappointment register case files*
84581 - Records transfer sheets*
25710 - Recruitment files
81640 - Register file recruitment log sheet*
81637 - Register file: applications of qualified applicants*
81638 - Register file: applications of qualified applicants not hired*
81639 - Register files: non-qualified applicants*
10254 - Rules interpretations*
81641 - Salary and Benefit Survey Responses*
8324 - Salary survey of state employees*
6006 - Salary transaction exception reports*
17482 - Social Services, Youth Corrections, Region 2 Personnel files*
23239 - Staff meeting minutes*
81642 - Staffing program from other jurisdictions*
8323 - Standardization of salaries report*
81589 - State agencies policies and procedures records*
23238 - State human resource management team minutes*
23237 - State human resource staff meeting minutes*
1050 - Supplies and Purchase revolving fund account book*
81644 - Test development files*
25712 - Title Reduction reports*
81646 - Training and experience evaluation*
81645 - Training contracts*
25713 - Training manuals and materials
25714 - Training records*
25715 - Training records management*
81647 - Training resource subject files
25717 - Utah Job Match database*
25716 - Utah Job Match recruitment database*
20934 - Utah Skill Match recruitment database*
19421 - Utah Skill Match resume cover sheet*
19422 - Utah Skill Match resumes*
81648 - Vendor invoices*
25718 - Veteran hire reports*
6238 - Volunteer program committee files*
25719 - Work place violence records*
29866 - Workers' compensation case files
81649 - Workforce adjustment plans
25711 - Workplace discrimination and harassment investigation records
25676 - Workplace discrimination and harassment investigations*
*indicates closed series
Exclude Closed Series from the list